Our motto always is respecting to customers tastes In order to this, we use the latest scientific findings to obtain the natural , organic and best quality raw material and it’s preservation and processing based on international standards. Natural licorice product are derived from the roots of licorice or Glycyrrhiza genus of plants .Roots are collected ٫ cleaned and dried .Processing licorice root begins with shredding the root to matchstick size Licorice solids are then extracted from the shredded root with hot water . After filtration and evaporation ٫ the concentrated licorice extract is converted into a powder or block form depending on the customer٫s requierments
A diverse range of our products such as spray dried licorice extract and licorice extract block have drawn attention of national markets to itself.
The state of the art quality control center has expert staff and complete testing equipments to guarantee our products.